Our patent research and analysis services can help in deciding the future path for an invention a client is working on. Various types of reports and analysis that falls under this service area are as under:
Patentability Search Report
An invention is a result of enormous intellect, time and energy consumed. What next step an inventor would like to do? Of course, to have exclusive rights, i.e. Patent Rights, on his/her invention. But to do this, the inventor needs to know if it is patentable. Our Patentability Search Report provides a list of patent and non-patent literature in an easy to understandable format. It helps the inventor in determining the present position of his/her invention in the present technological world, and helps in deciding whether to carry forward with the invention, or impose some modifications.
Prior Art Search Report
This report lays down all the related patent and non-patent literature to the subject invention, which constitutes a prior art to the subject patent.
Patent Landscape Analysis Report
This report provides a snapshot of the patent situation of a specific technology, either within a given country or region, or globally, by providing a comprehensive search for patents in a given technical discipline. They can inform policy discussions, strategic research planning or technology transfer. They may also be used to analyze the validity of patents based on data about their legal status. The Patent Landscape Search can identify potential patent portfolios for acquisition, existing or potential infringers to be pursued, and potential technology to be exploited. A patent landscape reveals past and present activities of various entities in a given area of technology.
Patentability & Marketability Search Report
Besides providing patentability overview, this report further understands the market situation of the subject technology by providing a list of potential licensees, major players and their pricing strength, competitors, and funding ventures. This may help to provide a technical assessment and future of the invention in the market place.
State of the Art Report
Designed to provide up-to-date information about progress in a specific technical field, a State of the Art Patent Search is the broadest and most general of all the patent searches. It is essentially a market survey that takes a broad, sweeping look at everything that has been done in a given art. For a client who is contemplating entry into a particular field, the results of a State of the Art Search results may prove or disprove the advisability of such a decision. For a client currently active in a particular field, the State of the Art Search results can lay out the path that must be followed to design around the current art.